Fly through your college applications with Comet’s all-in-one task manager
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What Students Say About Comet
"I love the major exploration section as it is so fun to complete and so different from what I've seen before."
Mahima B.
"My favorite part was the major quiz: it was fun to do because the questions were not serious and more interesting, and it exactly showed the results I wanted to see."
Akerke T.
"I really liked the essay review. I can tell my helper genuinely wants me to succeed and is suggesting great tips to keep in mind. Very helpful!"
Vinci L.
"My favorite element is the timeline because it concisely lists the tasks we entered and defines the deadlines for each task. It makes completing each task more satisfying and worthwhile."
Patrick T.
"I received the perfect mix of encouragement and constructive criticism on my essay review. I feel a lot more confident about my essay and my writing skills in general.”
Arav G.
The team at Comet nudged me in the right direction and showed me what I was doing wrong with my essays, my editor's comments were very on point and I loved the constructive feedback they gave me! Thank you for all your support !"
Ananya T.
"My favorite element is the college list feature, in which you can click on a college and see all the stats and info for that college. The graphics and interface for the college details is easy to navigate and nice to look at; it also provides very informative information. The college feature is a great tool to use when deciding on a college list."
Cayenne F.
"I really liked "ways to improve your admission chances" under college descriptions. Overall, the flow of the website is very good: starting from personal information to forums. My personal favorite is the major exploration feature, the majors actually did match my interests perfectly and then the career information is very helpful."
Avishi K.
"I absolutely loved the way that the comments were left on my essay review. The comments were very relevant and easy to understand. The format in which the comments were left was great. They talked about my strengths and what lacks and then pointed out what I needed to improve and exactly where I needed to improve. They did not try to make my essay into something else or change my words, instead they tried to build upon it, to strengthen it."
Alejandra G.
"My favorite element is the task manager. It is a feature that is entirely unique with Comet. With the task manager being included in the subscription fee, and not as an additional charge, it is a key element that is worth paying for."
Nish P.
"The timeline makes me feel a lot more calm and secure, because all my "to do" items and deadlines related to college are in one place, so I don't have to worry about remembering it or losing it in my Notes app or having a seperate journal/planner for it. The fact that it collects and adds the deadlines of all my target colleges is incredible."
Viviana S.
"The college recommendations [are my favorite element of Comet]. It is honestly so difficult to find the colleges that are right for me and my budget. With Comet, I have been able to add quite a lot of colleges to my list.”
Divyanshu A.
"The timeline information was a piece of cake to comprehend and it was very simple which I liked. I also loved the fact that there was an option to add our own tasks, this makes the user's experience using the timeline a hundred times more convenient."
Vennela G.
"My favorite thing is probably the major quiz, I thought it was really creative and I especially like how it gives me different percentages for the major I could possibly choose, which I don't think I've seen before."
Sarah D.
"The major quiz was a very nice touch considering that it didn't ask questions that were very straightforward but instead creative ones that still aligned with a particular major. I also love that a percentage was given to how close a particular major matched up with my interests."
Michael R.
"I think that the chat tool was really helpful. The admissions process is a new process for everyone as most people only go through it once so many people might have questions. This tool helps answer those questions and I think that it is one of the most helpful tools."
Mrinalini N.
"I honestly love each and every part of the site!! This is an amazing startup that I believe will be so useful for students applying to colleges. This is an organized, clean, and neat way of students being aware of their tasks, having knowledge about their college choices, and where they stand in their progress."
Jas K.
"My favorite element of the site is the college list and seeing the different information about the colleges because it is pretty to look at and easily usable, and provides really good information that I can see myself using in the future.”
Alissa R.
"I think that the chat tool was really helpful. The admissions process is a new process for everyone as most people only go through it once so many people might have questions. This tool helps answer those questions and I think that it is one of the most helpful tools."
Naysa B.
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Got questions? Not sure what FAFSA, EA/ED, or SSR stand for? Chat with an expert college counselor at anytime
Review your chances of getting accepted with our custom admit rate predictor
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Access our exclusive Discord community for college mentors, application tips, resources, and scholarships
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Everything Else You Need To Know (FAQ’s)
Applying to college is getting more competitive. Getting help is becoming more expensive. And making the right choice is more difficult than ever. Comet makes applying to college easier, quicker and less stressful. We handle the tedious tasks and research so you can focus on answering the bigger questions, giving you the upper hand. It’s what we wish we had when we were applying to college.
Comet is a platform students will actually want to use. How do we know? Students have been a part of the co-creation process from the very beginning, and told us exactly what they wanted in the ideal college apps tool. From the features, to the experience, and even the name “Comet”, we let students take the lead. It’s kinda crazy that no other platforms are doing this.. but hey, we’re happy to set the example!
Comet is absolutely free to sign up and use, with options to upgrade for human help (Essay Reviews). Comet’s Essay Review is the only feature that costs money because we have to feed our humans and their baby humans. Not only are our experts the best at what they do, they also graduated from expensive colleges, so we think they deserve to get paid. You can learn more about pricing HERE, and our experts HERE.
Comet is for rising HS seniors who want to submit their best applications but don’t want to pay $200/hr for consultant fees. Get expert advice and support for a fraction of the price - you're paying enough for college.
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